Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The things you see in the world all can't be real...

So I heard of an interesting theory that physicians have come up with. Its the idea (I am not certain of its tecnical name) that the world in which we reside, this reality as we know it, is truly a virtual reality, all projections from our minds, or something to this extent. I believe the physics behind use something with the Big Bang's ability to create light and images in such a way that they appear real...but in reality (which, if this theory is true, would be a useless word) the world as we know it exists as images, not objects.

I find this so fascinating, due to the fact, that this way of thinking resembles philosophical conundrums. How do we know what is real is truly and honestly real? What is reality? What are objects and time and space and matter? These are all things normal physics takes for granted...while metaphysicians waste paper and ink attempting to explain it...or theorize it...So is reality really real, or is reality the end result of an explosion that made some things up...? Or is projections from our complex minds?

There are many ideas as to what this is...and as a person who went through 4 years of scholastic endevours into the ideas of what reality is...let me tell one knows...and no one will know. It can be existence made by a God (which I favor) or it can all projections of our mind or it can be as calus as everything is as it is, leave it be. Is there an objective reality? I have to say yes. When you die, if the human race dies, this place still exists. No matter what you beleive time and space are not human inventions, the words may be, but not the actual things that are time and space. They exist whether we understand them or not, our understanding of these core aspects of reality do not bring reality into being, rather, it brings our CONCEPTS of reality into being.

So...what does this mean....? depends on who you talk means that my life is about as unimportant as any one else's....yet further...and in a twist of logic, my life is just as important as anyone else's. See...if everything can exist without us, then what does life mean? This, no one can answer, no matter what they say. But what it means in the end, is you DO impact this reality, you are a part of the current objective reality in which you live.

Make positive changes as opposed to negative ones.

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