Tuesday, May 19, 2009

You know you get old when you don't know what the kids listen to...

What is is about music that is so amazing? I have always wondered why music is such a driving force in human culture...why music allows us to be expressive, impressive, therapeutic, and all those good things...at least music at its more natural level...not the big blown up pay 200 dollars for a ticket to watch an hour of my nuts dance around on stage...anyhow, I deviate...

As I drive to and from my job, I blast my music. Sure, I listen to the radio every so often, but lately I have been listening to the Street Dogs (I think that is their name.) They have these songs about being on the road, playing music, drinking, and just living life. And in those few moments I feel the most awake, alert, alive. So what is it?

If someone has the answer, I never want to hear them utter it. I love the mystery that music has over us. I have driven hours upon hours to see bands that no one knows, and have flown half way across the country to be the only person (along with my brother) to know who is playing. Why? I don't know...I have slept in my car in cold mountains to see a former punk legend play his blue grass...why??? That's so insane when one thinks about it...but its the music, that feeling you get when you see your favorite band play your favorite song, and then you drink a beer with them. There's something about it. And I don't know what it is...and if I am lucky I never will know...

As we can see...this ting that music holds on me, at least, can't be analytical, for the amount of time and money I have spent on the music I love is completely un-analytical. It makes no sense...but it makes me happy...and I love those songs, those shows, and those times....

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